You will have a chance to win tickets on  Soft Soul Kixie 107.5 and enjoy great music.  On this Thursday, I will give you an opportunity to win tickets to The Delta Blues Festival in Greenville, Ms.,  not only that but I have tickets to The Farish St. Festival coming up on October 5, 2019.  It’s a Thursday and I have The Thursday Morning Stretch coming up to help you feel just a little bit better.   As always, if you are celebrating a birthday or anniversary and would like for me to give you a shout out, give me a call at 601-995-1075 or you can text  me at 601-837-1075.  So, enjoy your Thursday Morning with Lady Vee  be a winner and enjoy the music you love from back-n-the day and today.





Five Random Facts for Thursday


HIGHLIGHTS:  Here are a few random facts for you.  The horse head in “The Godfather” wasn’t a fake prop . . . it was an actual dead horse’s head.  And it takes approximately 540 peanuts to make one 12-ounce jar of peanut butter.

FULL STORY:  Here are some random facts for you . . .

1.  The biggest popular vote margin in U.S. presidential election history was . . . Warren Harding winning by a 26.17% margin over James Cox in 1920.

2.  Since Easter is based on the vernal equinox, the earliest it can possibly be is March 22nd.  But the last time Easter was March 22nd was 1818 . . . and the next time will be in 2285.  (The latest it can be is April 25th.  That will happen next in 2038.)

3.  The word “sheriff” is a combination of two Old English words: “shire” and “reeve.”  A “reeve” was a person who was responsible for keeping things peaceful in the shire.

4.  The horse head in “The Godfather” wasn’t a fake prop.  It was an actual dead horse’s head they got from a dog food plant in New Jersey.

5.  It takes approximately 540 peanuts to make one 12-ounce jar of peanut bu


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